“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it.  Impossible is not a fact.  It’s an opinion.  Impossible is not a declaration.  It’s a dare.  Impossible is potential.  Impossible is temporary.  Impossible is nothing…” –quote borrowed from an Adidas ad campaign

Todd graduated from the University of Illinois at Chicago with a B.S. in Human Health Development.  Todd began his career at an elite Chicago health club learning personal training, group fitness, and boxing from the City’s top trainers.  With nearly two decades of experience in training, Todd continues to educate himself by earning certifications in:  NASM CPT, NASM MMA, Conditioning Coach, USSF Soccer Coach, Certified Speed and Agility Coach,  F.I.G.H.T. Certified Instructor, Haganah 3rd Degree Black Belt (Israeli Tactical Knife, Ground Survival, Trench Fighting, IPTT Pistol, Self-Defense Instructor), Boxing Instructor, multiple Goruck and Tough Mudder events, a 3-day high intensity camp run by former Navy SEALs and Army Rangers, ARC CPR and AED, and numerous other certifications.


Todd’s knowledge and passion for all sports helps him train his clients to reach maximum potential.  He takes his clients outside their normal comfort zones both mentally and physically.  He recognizes teachable moments to help motivate the client and inspire the client to keep training.  Todd works with elite athletes, weekend warriors, and everyone in between.

Email: todd@firststepfitness.net
Phone: 312.636.8633


  • Professional Trainer
  • Groups (Any age or size)
  • Private to semi-private lessons


  • B.S. Human Health Development 
  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer
  • US Soccer Federation Coach
  • Certified F.I.G.H.T. Instructor
  • John Clarke Combat Wrestling Instructor System Certification
  • Haganah 1st Degree Black Belt
  • Certified Speed and Agility Trainer